Integrations in Latin American Social Research An Approach to the Study of Restorative Leisure from Festive Community Activism
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The concept of restorative leisure, proposed in an unprecedented way by the present research, emerges as an analytical category in the framework of research in Latin American leisure studies, focused on the recognition of restorative activisms, which emerge in contexts of inequality and structural injustice, both in rural and urban environments in Colombia. The festive expressions of communities subjected to victimizing events become community processes that seek to strengthen the social fabric and promote an alternative justice centered on the integral care of life. This study, with a qualitative approach and exploratory approach, addresses the phenomenon of activism that occurs in the festivities in Colombian communities, recognizing their cultural roots and their manifestations of resilience and adaptation. It oriented the active participation of the communities and the systematization of experiences, which, as integrated methods, value the diversity of local knowledge. It implemented creation laboratories as spaces for participatory research, facilitating the development of festive expressions that reflect different forms of community resilience so that the restorative leisure is based on the practices and experiences of the human groups determined by the research.
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