Commerce of desire and image politics. Mexican photography (1890-1940)

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Mariafernanda Fernández Romero
Marisela Pardo Hernández


We started our research examining the creation and distribution of erotic photography in Mexico between 1863 and 1940; mostly from private collections. Our investigation extended to an analysis of public archives that include pictures of sex workers for medical and police records. This proposal has two primary purposes: first, to regroup photographs of women classified under the term “prostitution” into a more complex and extended category that will call “markets of desire,” which encompasses the photographic production and the different
circuits of distribution. Second, we suggest a method to reclassify photos labelled as “prostitution” in the national photographic archives (SINAFO) that reduces moral judgements and could help researchers rewrite a historical memory from a gender perspective.


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Fernández Romero, M., & Pardo Hernández, M. (2021). Commerce of desire and image politics. Mexican photography (1890-1940). Designio, 3(2).
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Archivo histórico

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