Connected and Medicated The Artistic Practice in Psychopharmacology Era

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William Grisgby Vergara


The aim of the following article is to offer some alternatives to face the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic in the field of mental health. The purpose of the research is to make a constructive criticism of the consumption of psychotropic drugs that generate dependence among psychiatric patients who are unaware of the origins of their illness. This purpose is relevant since mental health is an issue that has gained relevance worldwide, and it is necessary to know what are the processes that allow the mentally ill to resist and dissent from the artistic practice and the cultivation of a spiritual life. From an interpretative analysis, and from my own experience as a psychiatric patient, I will describe what is the panorama that young people face in a world where work stress produces an exploitative environment that does not consider the suffering of psychiatric patients. Finally, I will explain what the "psychoelectric effect" consists of and I will study how the network of medicated bodies tries to build identity through the World Wide Web in a world where it is still possible to oppose capitalism.


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How to Cite
Grisgby Vergara, W. (2023). Connected and Medicated: The Artistic Practice in Psychopharmacology Era. Designio, 5(2).
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