Two neo-baroques friendships The human existence as a game and hermetorism
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The present investigation discusses on two (2) intellectual friendships: four (4) creators whose reciprocal collaborations help to explain the cultural tradition that some thinkers have found in Hispanic America and have labeled as “baroque”. On one side, the deep friendship between Maria Zambrano and José Lezama Lima highlights the urgency to construct —by philosophical and poetic means— a syncretic theology, more appropriate for our landscape. On the other side, the brief relationship between Eugenio d’Ors and Pablo Picasso explains the importance of what is fugacious and playful, not only for artistic creation but for philosophical analysis. Thus, by confronting these two (2) friendships, it will be possible to understand more clearly the art’s role and the depiction of the artist in our neo-baroque times.
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