Micropolitical Somatic in the Reception of Art An Input from Some Cases of Ciudad de Mexico Museums
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The process of arts reception in venues is conditioned by the use of the body's visitors in this space, an impact that is lesser extent analyzed than that which occurs through intellectual channels such as the curatorial discourses or guided visits. This paper proposes the concept of somatic obedience as one of the characteristics in the relationship that visitors make towards the arts in venues such as the museum to explain how bodies represent a determining factor of the experience when arranging access and immersion during the tour. This approach arises from the findings of the research conducted in different art museums in Mexico City, which aimed to find the elements that build the museum experience as a communication phenomenon. This fieldwork conducted in museum rooms uses techniques such as participant and non-participant observation, as well as the application of questionnaires and cartographies to some museum’s visitors. Finally, this dissertation explains how this characteristic of the soma in visitors triggers micropolitical processes, viable to consider in the formulation and evaluation of cultural policies.
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