Digital Poem Tree Programmed Arborescence

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Maritza Manriquez Buendía


In the present essay I hope to extrapolate the essayistics proposal of Byung-Chul Han approached in “Praise to the Earth”, towards the study of the digital poem Programmed Arborescence, generative piece of Carlos Bergen and Enrique García Alcalá, as a whole in E- literature from the Cultural Digital Center in Mexico. Bergen and García Alcalá program and make coincide a selection of verses of Rainer Maria Rilke (2010), Marosa di Giorgio and Jose Watanabe. The result is a digital poem tree dated april 25th, 2018, that looks to provoke in the user/participant (who is also a reader who turns into a creator and spectator) an artistic effect. The evidence piece such as the deautomatization of which the Russian formalists speak of and which all work of art (electronic or not) pretends.


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How to Cite
Manriquez Buendía, M. (2024). Digital Poem Tree: Programmed Arborescence. Designio, 6(1), 11–22.
Artículos de investigación


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