Giorgio Morandi English, «Still life, 1960»” in El saber del no saberse Diserto, Cábala, el no-ser y la creación (2014) from Hugo Mujica: Painting/Writing and Fenomenologic Attitude Pedagogy from Intermediality
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Giorgio Morandi's Still Life (1960) acquires a didactic character in the ecphrasis made of it by Argentine poet Hugo Mujica. Under a phenomenological gaze, Mujica literary discourses on the artistic character of this painting, suggest an "auratic" notion –in the manner of Walter Benjamin– but directed under the Argentine author's own poetics. Mujica understands that poetry does not acquire the domain of signification. Still Life will not have that of representation. Between the indeterminate character of the image as time and the very act of poetic writing, Still Life becomes a model of writing in the ontological feature of the artistic.
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