Welcome to Paradise Analog photography as a sur-vivor image in a digital era

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José Barrios Lara


This paper explores the dialectical tension between analog and digital photography to show the survival of the modern photography imaginary in the contemporary world. The arguments of this paper were written from the work of the Mexican photographer Oswaldo Ruiz (born in the Monterrey-México), who was the winner of the 2018 Photography Biennial and is a member of the National System of Creators of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes (México). This paper has an essayistic character that proves the theoretical construction of the relationships between affection and representation in art and visual culture in the 20th century. The essay is an analysis of contemporary photography based on the theoretical proposals of philosophers and art historians as Benjamin, Kracauer, Deleuze, Warburg, Didi-Huberman, and Lacan.


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How to Cite
Barrios Lara, J. (2020). Welcome to Paradise: Analog photography as a sur-vivor image in a digital era. Designio, 2(1), 24–44. https://doi.org/10.52948/ds.v2i1.103
Artículos de investigación
Author Biography

José Barrios Lara, Universidad Iberoamericana

Filósofo e Historiador del Arte, Profesor Investigador de tiempo completo de la Universidad Iberoamericana y de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma en México. Curador asociado del Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC). Es editor de El colapso de la representación.


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