Daza-Orozco, C.E. (Comp.) (2019). Social imaginary from the graphical expressions in public-private environments, in Bogotá center. Bogotá: Editorial Universitaria San Mateo

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Kevin Ramírez Cochez


The present book was a two authors product, Omar Alonso García and Yubar Deibi Portilla Benítez, they seek for filling some of these theoretical void that have persist in terms of arts studies.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Cochez, K. (2021). Daza-Orozco, C.E. (Comp.) (2019). Social imaginary from the graphical expressions in public-private environments, in Bogotá center. Bogotá: Editorial Universitaria San Mateo. Designio, 3(1), 151–153. https://doi.org/10.52948/ds.v3i1.122


Daza-Orozco, C.E. (2019). Imaginario social desde las expresiones gráficas en ambientes público-privados del centro de Bogotá. Bogotá: Editorial Universitaria San Mateo.