Between the neo-baroque, the alternative and the discrepant Artists and creation spaces in the nineties in Mexico

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Sophia Sacal Smeke


The nineties in Mexico were a period that represented a complete sense of openness, in aspects spanning everything from the economy to the art world. The old art system attempted to insert itself into a newly globalized world, but found itself suffering from a profound destabilization and the institutions failed to immediately respond to all the changes that were happening around them, which gave way to the rise of independent spaces where one could experiment with absolute freedom. This period’s alternative spaces can be qualified under the term “neo-baroque” for being representative of the instability and the polidimensionality that characterizes this philosophic and aesthetic theory. This article exposes the relationship between the sociocultural, political and historical landscape and the birth of these spaces, in order to reflect on the possibility of a similar phenomenon occurring in today’s world.


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Sacal Smeke, S. (2021). Between the neo-baroque, the alternative and the discrepant: Artists and creation spaces in the nineties in Mexico. Designio, 3(2).
Artículos de investigación


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