From the look to the experience Creativity as a key element in museums in the face of covid-19 changes

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Mireille García Alcalá


This work focuses on understanding the visitor's experience in the museum before (2019), during (2020) and after (2021) the crisis caused by the SARS CoV-2 virus (covid-19), stating that creativity and technology, in addition to the museography and curatorship, are valuable tools for the development of these spaces in the face of an increasingly online world. For this, a documentary investigation has been carried out, based on the review of journalistic and academic articles, the report of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) during the health crisis and an analysis of the strategies in social networks used by some of the main museums of the world such as: Museo del Prado, Musée du Louvre, British Museum and The National Gallery starting from an approach that tries to make advertising dialogue with the History of Art to build bridges that contribute to understanding and attracting young visitors to museums.


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García Alcalá, M. (2022). From the look to the experience: Creativity as a key element in museums in the face of covid-19 changes. Designio, 4(1).
Artículos de investigación


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