Design as innovation axis in social economy frame

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Sandra Carvajal Cantor
Dayra Ibañez Cely


This article proposes how design can support social innovation processes articulated with participatory action scenarios within the framework of the social economy, contributing to the construction of alternatives for equity and inclusion. The research has a qualitative approach, the scope is based on an explanatory study, from a projective research perspective. Through the application of instruments based on design thinking to entrepreneurs and people related to the social economy sector, taking into account the analysis of variables such as context, case analysis and the dynamics between actors, economic sectors, scenarios and opportunities are identified that drive reflection and actions to be followed from public policy, academia and collective action making alternatives for local, regional and national development aimed at achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda are projected.


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Carvajal Cantor, S., & Ibañez Cely, D. (2022). Design as innovation axis in social economy frame. Designio, 4(1).
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