Tourism in the Santa Fe locality across the design and mobile application development implementing the augmented reality

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Christian Martínez Camargo
Wilson Rivera Barreto


This article did an analysis of the graphic products of the football World Cups in relation with the Colombian team. It was taking into account different key points for this study such as the chromatic relationship, composition and  form, finding the style of art that was used, the shape of the typography, images, pho tography and illustrations (Vega, 2017); found in the elaboration of the posters, logo and mascot of each World Cup. Demons trating with this the evolution and the success obtained with the advertising and design of the Chile 1962, Italy 1990, United States 1994, France 1998, Brazil 2014 and Russia 2018 World Cups. With this information, a series of infographics were collected in a collectable manner, finding curious sports data and a detailed description of the graphic art expressed in each world.


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How to Cite
Martínez Camargo, C., & Rivera Barreto, W. . (2019). Tourism in the Santa Fe locality across the design and mobile application development implementing the augmented reality. Designio, 1(1), 43–74.
Artículos de investigación


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