Art and political imagination insights from the Zapatista movement in Mexico

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Francisco De Parres Gómez
Francesca Cozzolino


This contribution focuses on the communication strategies developed by the Zapatista autonomous communities (Chiapas, Mexico). The paper begins with a historical approach to the relationship between aesthetics and Zapatism, developed in regard to the most recent artistic events of the Zapatista history, highlighting its symbolic and political force. The aim is to cross the perspective of the anthropology of art and the semiotics of culture from a corpus constituted by the visual artifacts produced in the framework of the different editions of CompArte (an art festival initiated in 2016 by the autonomous communities), as well as the numerous posters produced to communicate the international meetings, or the murals made on the walls of the Caracoles (centers of autonomous organization in the Zapatista territory). Two ethnographic scenes constitute the core of the article: a drawing workshop organized within the 2018 CompArte festival, and a mural painting made by American students in residence in a Caracol the same year. The aim is to show how political imagination embodied on surfaces, through dynamics of appropriation and reappropriation that operate in this visual production. These images of resistance bring together visual elements from various iconographic traditions and a plurality of actors belonging to different activist networks (in Mexico, California, and Europe). This variety of actors participate in collective creation dynamics that reaffirm the Zapatista project of “A world where many worlds fit”.


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De Parres Gómez, F., & Cozzolino, F. (2023). Art and political imagination: insights from the Zapatista movement in Mexico. Designio, 5(2).
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