The Image Complexity in Visual Communication in Digital Media Memes in Pandemic Times

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Olivia Fragoso Susunaga
María Olalde Ramos


The recent increase in the use of the meme as a communicative resource within the virtual spaces of social networks leads to a reflection on the complexity of understanding the functioning of the image in its multiple representations. For this text we have selected some cases that operate as examples of visual communication, where its behavior as a cultural referent can be appreciate, when describing significant situations in the immediate temporality of the context where they unfold. The memes as a vehicle of the discourse represented through the image-text show different realities in which the message can be perceived and interpreted from different approaches; therefore, the visual communicative phenomenon can be understood in a broader way to be studied from the complexity.


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How to Cite
Fragoso Susunaga, O., & Olalde Ramos, M. (2023). The Image Complexity in Visual Communication in Digital Media: Memes in Pandemic Times. Designio, 5(1), 1–12.
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