Graphic in Audiovisual Industry Picture Rhetoric in Cinematic Poster and the Design Role in Visual Communication in Arts Department

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Paula Romero


Audiovisual arts and visual communication design have always had many things in common, but never like today where the designer participates in almost all stages of making a film. His work in this industry is so important that, without it, many of the elements that characterize it would be missing: the credits, posters, brands of producers and distributors, plots of promotional vehicles, etc. At the same time, design in visual communication has long included - not only static graphic elements - but also designs with movement. This means that it is also present through animations and visual effects in different instances of film production.

The poster, in turn, has been the only and best reference for audiovisual productions for decades, but there is no doubt that its current role in the audiovisual industry requires a review that vindicates it.


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How to Cite
Romero, P. (2024). Graphic in Audiovisual Industry: Picture Rhetoric in Cinematic Poster and the Design Role in Visual Communication in Arts Department. Designio, 6(1), 75–88.
Artículos de investigación


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