The nation images. the art as a form of Ecuador social representation (1902-1941)
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The present paper analyzes the construction of the social subjects - social ac-tors- that constitute the nation, not egarding the hegemonic discourses of traditional history or the narratives with which in the hands of diverse actors (white-mestizos) the State seeks to highlight the spirit of the nation through the places of memory and ritual practices. Rather, it will focus on who were the subjects of inspiration for some ecuadorian artists in the first half of the 20th century, as these artists built a new sense of who were the subjects of the nation, particularly for those who consumed pictorial art nationally and internationally. It will therefore focus on three (3) artists and only three (3) of their works: Joaquín Pinto “Orejas de palo” (1902), Camilo Egas “Camino al mercado” (1922-1923) and Eduardo Kingman “Los guandos” (1941) representative works of costumbrismo, indigenismo and social realism (respectively).
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