Post pandemic picture: a symbol review until nowadays

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Andrés Herraiz Llavador


This study focuses on the impact that the covid-19 pandemic has had on image as a cultural phenomenon. From a culturalist perspective it attends to the use and function of the images that emerged because of the covid-19 outbreak. The main objective is to conduct a review of the concept of symbol, executing a diachronic analysis of its meanings and significances up to the present. To achieve this goal, the main bibliographical references that approach the subject from an idealistic perspective have been scrutinized. Through the iconographic-iconological analysis of the cover image of Sunday May 10th, 2020, of the newspaper El Mundo, this research studies, as a case study, the use by power agencies of a series of visual tropes whose function is to move the emotions of the viewer.


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Herraiz Llavador, A. (2022). Post pandemic picture: a symbol review until nowadays. Designio, 4(1).
Artículos de investigación


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