Imaginaries of Migration A Journey with no Return

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Georgina García Crispín


This article addresses international migration from Mexico to the United States during the nineties, from the perspectives of five women that went through it. It presented their experiences through qualitative methodologies and, specifically, narrative research. From these experiences, I analyze the self-image of the migrant woman, as well as their imaginaries of migration or migratory imaginaries. The main hypothesis is that these personal narratives allow for a comprehension, from a different standpoint, of the cultural and social context that they are part of. This qualitative and arts-based approach lets us portray the migratory processes at a micro social level and offer a deeper understanding of the phenomena by taking the voice of the implicated into account. The research aims to draw attention to women within the migratory process, through their own voice, and through the recollection of their life experiences. The empowerment of these women starts with the imaginary of migration. After arrival, and during the first few months, there is a contraposition between the expected imaginary and the new reality faced; expected changes are not produced immediately and there is a difficulty to understand the new social and cultural codes. Later on, when adaptation begins and these women develop new abilities, empowerment continues and eventually consolidates.


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García Crispín, G. (2023). Imaginaries of Migration: A Journey with no Return. Designio, 5(2).
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