Geographic information systems for territorial touristic diagnosis

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Yamil Doumet Chilán
Bartolo Cruz Romero
Iván Mendoza Montesdeoca


This paper purpose is to make a territorial touristic analysis using satellite geographic tools in La Segua wetland, Ecuador. This research is quantitative and qualitative mix character with exploratory approach; where it characterized the area by techniques visits, applying touristic observation and diagnosis files with the actors and local managers. It also used Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment to georeferencing with ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.5 software help. For the multitemporal analysis it used two Landsat satellite images (five and eight) with thirty meters resolution, taken in August 1998 and September 2018. The images classification stablished by selecting an area where it predominated each vegetal coverture and field use; it determined four principal categories (water body, naked fields, dense and clear vegetation). As a result, it evidenced a 35,9% loss of water body and an important process of deforestation in 3.132,87 vegetation hectares, an elevated percentage. The territory has touristic potentialities and limitations in facilities and promotion. Finally, it is important that the obtained information could work as baseline for taking decision in future planification in this place.


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How to Cite
Doumet Chilán, Y., Cruz Romero, B., & Mendoza Montesdeoca, I. (2021). Geographic information systems for territorial touristic diagnosis. Sosquua, 3(2), 69–84.
Scientific and technological research articles


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