New gastronomic alternatives

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Deily Jacobo Albarracín
Daniel Vásquez Torrejano


The research presented below was based on the search for alternative foods to dairy that would allow the development of ice cream for lactose intolerant people, with a quantitative approach that defines the adolescent population between 14 and 17 years with this condition, through surveys; there also is a qualitative one through interviews to determine their interest in a product developed with this raw material, to meet protein and food needs. The product to be developed is milk-free ice cream, made from alternative beverages and low-gluten vegetable flours representing non-fatty solids in support of the stability of the mixtures, together with the animal protein from the egg yolk and the flavorless gelatin as emulsifiers. The research began to be developed by a personal approach of the members of the researc group, investigating the products that caused digestive discomfort and looking for the causes; possible alternatives that would allow to generate new gastronomic products, also supply a need, which resulted in ice cream made from rare raw materials.


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Jacobo Albarracín, D., & Vásquez Torrejano, D. (2021). New gastronomic alternatives. Sosquua, 3(2), 117–128.
Scientific and technological research articles


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