All articles submitted to be published in Sosquua. Magazine Specialized in Gastronomy will be subjected to a previous selection to determine the thematic and technical compliance declared in the editorial guidelines and policies.

The evaluation process of the articles is carried out in correspondence to the section to which the writing is submitted, in accordance with the type of text presented. The texts that have gone through this process will be subjected to an evaluation procedure with judges selected by the journal outside the publishing institution.

The author or authors must acknowledge in their manuscript any conflict of interest that may arise in the interpretation of their article.

All sources of financial or administrative support for the article presented must be disclosed.

Errors in published works

When an author or authors discover errors or inaccuracies in their article, they will have the obligation to notify the editors of the magazine Sosquua -as soon as possible- to make their respective correction, or if the situation warrants it, withdraw the published document from circulation. .


The authors of the submitted articles must develop a precise description of the work carried out, as well as an objective exposition of its meaning. The data will be presented with precision and accuracy in the body of the document.

The articles postulated in Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía should be sufficiently detailed in arguments, references and citations to allow other - peers - to replicate the work. Fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unacceptable and unethical academic and scientific behavior.

Information access and retention

The author or authors of the articles postulated in Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía must provide truthful information in cohesion, coherence and concordance with the document presented for review, the inquiry must be publicly accessible, and must -in any case- be prepared to maintain said information for a reasonable period of time after its publication.

The author or authors must ensure that they have written a completely original work, and if they have used works by others, they will be cited and referenced appropriately.


Note: All articles postulated in Sosquua. Magazines Specialized in Gastronomy are subjected to a review of possible similarity through Unicheck.

Multiple, redundant or concurrent publishing

The author or authors should not postulate the same article in another publication. The presentation of the same document in more than one journal constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable from an editorial point of view; reason for which Sosquua will automatically reject the submission of the article.

Source recognition

Recognition of the work of others should always be considered as an ethical and valuable practice in collaborative academic construction. The author or authors must cite and reference the publications that have had an influence on the preparation of their own work through a section called: "Complementary bibliography".


Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution in the conception, design, execution or interpretation of the development of the postulated article.

All those who made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors.

When there are other people who have participated in certain specific aspects of the project, they must be recognized or listed as collaborators.

The main author of the submitted article must ensure that all co-authors and collaborators have been appropriately included and listed in the submitted article; In addition, all have approved the final version of it and agree to its publication.

The San Mateo University Foundation as an Institution of Higher Education in charge of the publication of the research, scientific and artistic contents of Sosquua. Magazine Specialized in Gastronomy, as well as the people who make up the different phases of the editorial process; We declare ethical behavior based on the Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors -COPE’s- [1]



Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía undertakes to speedily and quickly reach the communications received by the different means of contact to the actors of the editorial process: readers, authors, reviewers, etc; ensuring due process and proper handling of personal information.

Promoting academic integrity

Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía, as well as the people who make up the different phases of the editorial process, ensure that the material published conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.

Follow up on bad practices

The San Mateo University Foundation as the publishing institution of Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía, assumes the obligation to act accordingly in cases of suspected bad practices or academically inappropriate behavior. Extending its scope to both published and unpublished documents.

The Editorial Committee will not only discard articles that raise doubts about possible misconduct, but it is also considered ethically obligated to report alleged misconduct.

From the people, guidelines and policies that make up the different phases of the Sosquua editorial process. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía all reasonable efforts are promoted to ensure that the articles submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.

Academic rigor and content integrity

In evidence of inaccuracies, misleading or distorted statements in the articles submitted and evaluated; the author or authors must correct the documents immediately.

In situations where the content of the submitted articles is fraudulent, they will be withdrawn immediately, giving public notice to readers, indexing systems, repositories and related databases.

Sosquua. Magazine Specialized in Gastronomy considers as inadmissible practices:

Simultaneous submission of the same work to several magazines.

Duplicate publication or with irrelevant changes or paraphrasing of the same work, or artificial fragmentation of a work in several articles.

External relations for the free circulation of content

The external relationship for the free circulation of content is subject to the principle of editorial independence. The San Mateo University Foundation through Sosquua. Magazine Specialized in Gastronomy will guarantee that the articles submitted will be published based on their quality and thematic and disciplinary suitability; far from benefits of an economic or political nature.

In this sense, the fact that Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía is not governed by economic interests and defends the ideal of free access to universal and free knowledge, facilitating said independence.


[1] For more information, visit the website: