
Sosquua. Revista Especializada en Gastronomía in its evaluation process by specialized peers, verifies the quality of its manuscripts by weighing the following items:

Academic criteria

Structure: Does it clearly and coherently describe the introduction, development in sections with subtitles on methodology, results, conclusions and references)?
Argumentation and analysis: Is it the original result of a mature process, conceptually clear, high critical contrast and methodological precision? Does it review fundamental, updated and articulated literature on the processes stated in its various sections? representativeness and validity of the data; as well as the suitability of interpretive frameworks, support of proposals and presentation of conclusions?
Relevance and innovation: Does it consolidate a relevant contribution to the discipline in which it is framed? Does it highlight its importance and usefulness in / for the application or understanding of the environment?

Editorial criteria

Style: Does it appropriate a clear, agile and fluent language; adequate for the development of the topic addressed? Does its content evidence articulation between its different sections?

Organization: Does it gather accurate, pertinent and up-to-date bibliographic references? Does it present visual aids that facilitate the reading of the document (tables, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs, etc.)?

Formats associated with the process

To preserve the quality, suitability and transparency of the publication process, the use of the following format (or the one provided through the OJS platform) is foreseen:

Editorial project evaluation - Peer evaluator