Tehuanism The invention of the imaginary of Tehuantepec women

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Alexa Matta Abbud


From the traveling artists to the present, countless artists have produced works that represent the women of Tehuantepec, famous for their active participation in the economy and public life of their city. This repertoire of works has consolidated the way in which we understand and perceive the culture of Tehuantepec, which has led to the representation of symbolic violence against these women. Since they have
been defined through the gaze of others, which commonly it can be fetishizing and exotic, or that carries its own political interests, distancing itself from “reality”. The article presents the results of an investigation is based on gender studies, specifically intersectional feminism, to question the works that have been created on the subject and the political implications that pictorial forms can have, in order to expose the violence that these processes imply.


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How to Cite
Matta Abbud, A. (2021). Tehuanism: The invention of the imaginary of Tehuantepec women. Designio, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.52948/ds.v3i2.420
Artículos de investigación


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