Children of our time The "fried chicken", indentity, community and globalization

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Martín Torres Quezada


The article uses an episode from Ugly Delicious, a series on a streaming platform. to analyze the implications of people’s relationship with food, specifically, with fried chicken. The interviews that are carried out in the episode are connected with philosophical, sociological and anthropological points of view to think about this relationship from a contemporary locus. In addition, the ideas of culture, tradition, daily life and memory, regarding the personal and collective identity of human beings, are discussed when analyzing the dialogues of the episode as narrative determined by its conceptual format and material conditions.


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How to Cite
Torres Quezada, M. (2020). Children of our time: The "fried chicken", indentity, community and globalization. Sosquua, 1(2), 65–86.
Scientific and technological research articles
Author Biography

Martín Torres Quezada, Universidad Iberoamericana

Licenciado en Comunicación, con mención en Comunicación y Literatura por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Actualmente, maestrante en la Universidad Iberoamericana. Ha publicado El síndrome de mi entropía (El Conejo, 2010), Ciudad de concreto (El Conejo, 2015) y Pequeña Enciclopedia de seres incompletos (XX Premio Luis Félix López, 2019).


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