Touristic information system analysis from Magdalena Intern and emitter tourist characterization (2016)

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Humberto Calabria Arrieta
Angélica Silva Franco


Tourist information systems have been prioritized in the 2017-2019 National Development Plan and the Sectoral Tourism Plan in Colombia as valid tools for the planning and management of the tourism sector. The information gotten from these systems is employed by the territories in search of mechanisms to design strategies that attract more touristic spending and investment to strengthen the processes of socio-economic development. Magdalena department is a potential area for the development of tourism activities framed on its natural, cultural, and historic wealth. The Commerce, Industry and Tourism Ministry signed an agreement with the Magdalena Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia, for the systems implementation in this department; which is responsible for characterizing the different kinds of tourism (receiver, domestic and outbound), as well as the labor impact and the tourism industry. This article shows the methodology and main outcomes gotten from the measurement of domestic tourism, as a component that illustrates trends and characteristics of magdalenenses trips, to foment the internal knowledge of the tourist potential to project its promotion towards the world.


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How to Cite
Calabria Arrieta, H., & Silva Franco, A. (2021). Touristic information system analysis from Magdalena: Intern and emitter tourist characterization (2016). Sosquua, 3(2), 49–68.
Scientific and technological research articles


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