Sciences Incorporation in Gastronomy Professional Training Higher Education Level Schools Case in Mexico

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Marisa Reyes Orta
Alfonso González-Damián


Gastronomy training programs have tended to integrate a heavier load of scientific subjects. This study aims to identify whether Mexican universities have followed this trend. It conductes a qualitative documentary exploration, with a sample of 24 programs. It also classifies the exit competencies presented on their websites into four profiles. It analyzes the plans based on a categorization of learning units: methodological foundations; culinary sciences; environmental sciences; terminal-stage research; thesis development; sustainability and research as a knowledge line. It finds that the entrepreneurship and innovation profile in gastronomy, as well as the multidisciplinary profile, are the most offered (78%). The results, inconclusive, suggest the trend of incorporating sciences and research: 24% of the programs incorporate between seven and six dimensions; in turn, almost 100% incorporate learning units focused on methodological foundations and culinary sciences; however, only 30% incorporate environmental sciences courses. Finally, the analysis contributes to the teaching of research and gastronomy sciences.


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Reyes Orta, M., & González-Damián, A. (2024). Sciences Incorporation in Gastronomy Professional Training: Higher Education Level Schools Case in Mexico. Sosquua, 6(1), 98–117.
Scientific and technological research articles


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