Street Stories Street Gastronomy on Wheels in the Historic Center of Puebla (México)

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Mónica Rivera Tabares


This article aims to explore how gastronomic street food commerce on wheels has been configured and operates in the historic center of Puebla (México) and its characteristics, understanding the center as a culinary space full of tensions among the actors who occupy it and a reproducer of social classes. For this it used a qualitative-exploratory approach to the phenomenon, involving fieldwork with tools such as participant and non-participant observation, photography, and narrative, from an ethnographic perspective, under the methodology of Manuel Antonio Baeza's planes of reality. These tools aim to elucidate for the reader the multiple forms of gastronomic commerce on wheels that intertwine in the historic center of the city, the culinary narratives of the actors who carry them out, and the challenges they face. This section is part of a broader doctoral research on street commerce in the city as part of invisible everyday economies.


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How to Cite
Rivera Tabares, M., & Salvador. (2024). Street Stories: Street Gastronomy on Wheels in the Historic Center of Puebla (México). Sosquua, 6(2).
Scientific and technological research articles


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