Ancestral and traditional Colombian drinks (Pacific región)

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Medardo Sáenz Monsalve


Gastronomy as a context of socio-cultural development has defined a breakthrough in many cultures at the national level. This represented in the different ingredients and agricultural products of each region. These are a wide variety of fruits both recognized and exotic with the which are made multiple beverages, added to alcoholic beverages that are made in a traditional and industrialized way, based on the geographical location of each region. Through this investigation, the aim is to identify and generate a pedagogical material for the recognition of ancestral preparations in beverages from the Pacific region. As a professional training source for the Colombian gourmet, one of the axes of value is to provide recognition through drinks seeking to highlight the culture of the regions by analyzing their ingredients and production techniques. Through an ethnographic methodology, we sought to establish the main socio-cultural contexts that are generated on the Pacific coast, and by means of a qualitative analysis, we sought to contrast ancestral preparations with the recognition of intangible heritage within the field of gastronomy.


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How to Cite
Sáenz Monsalve, M. (2020). Ancestral and traditional Colombian drinks (Pacific región). Sosquua, 2(1), 57–66.
Scientific and technological research articles
Author Biography

Medardo Sáenz Monsalve, Fundación Universitaria San Mateo

Docente investigador. Fundación Universitaria San Mateo.


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