Sosquua, specialized gastronomy journal. A new investigative communication alternative in Colombian gastronomy field

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Royer Gutiérrez-Quecano


In this first number we celebrate the born of our Sosquua, Specialized Gastronomy Journal that seeks to be a diffusion plataform of the different inquiries made in research and training framework. With the help of our Colombian cultural and gastronomic heritage research team, the teachers, students and scientific community search to be changing agents focus on saveguard the colombian regions traditions. Thus we reflect about the intangible heritage diffusion from originally recipes; in addition to the labor that traditional carriers do when they preserve the cultural heritage of our ancestors.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-Quecano, R. (2019). Sosquua, specialized gastronomy journal. A new investigative communication alternative in Colombian gastronomy field. Sosquua, 1(1), 9–11.


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