The food differential cultural element of people identity

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Yency Velandia


Food represents in the human being more than the obvious and daily fact of food intake in order to provide man with the necessary nutrition that guarantees the normal functioning and maintenance of vital functions, it can be considered that it symbolizes the identity of peoples thanks to the actions that exist between the behavior of individuals and the food itself. This text was carried out with the purpose of explaining the interrelation between food, culture and tourism. Through a bibliographic review that allows the author to generate his own postulates in this regard, which can be used for academic purposes in future research. The results highlight the importance of knowing the experiences, traditions and knowledge of the people in relation to food in order to project an adequate gastronomic management that allows to support the tourist activity using food as the main attractor of the destination.


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Velandia, Y. (2021). The food: differential cultural element of people identity . Sosquua, 3(1).
Scientific and technological research articles


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