Meat products based on horse meat

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María Ballesteros Mejía
Jessica Torres Giraldo


The main objective of this research was to produce food products based on equine meat. The raw material was obtained from the slaughter plant “Los Cristales”, located in Mosquera’s town, in Cundinamarca, endorsed by INVIMA as a profit plant with classification II and legal regulations in force. The Cabano and Jerky were prepared, and then applied, in hot cuisine preparationsas empanadasmarranitas, tacos, tapas españolas, pastas, salads, arroz meloso, arroz atollado, frijolada and galantina de pollo. Finally, surveys demonstrated the acceptance of the base products (Cabano and Jerky) finding that it is a commonly consumed product obtaining a high level of acceptance. Also, in the conducting descriptive surveys, the gastronomicpreparations were accepted and having preferences for the empanadas (Cabano) and nachos (Jerky).


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How to Cite
Ballesteros Mejía, M., & Torres Giraldo, J. (2019). Meat products based on horse meat. Sosquua, 1(1), 33–56.
Scientific and technological research articles


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