Agricultural productivity and tourism Articulation shafts for the cooperativism with youth peasants

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Alvelayis Nieto Mejía


Identify the productive processes in the working environments of young peasants, strategically allows the construction of initiatives around agricultural associations and tourism development as a strategy to improve the living conditions of their families. In this sense, the general objective of the research was to identify potentialities and productive proposals of associativeness in a regional environment, starting from organic agriculture, natural and cultural values. The investigation took place in the Guanentina Province of the department of Santander and it was developed in the year 2017. Its methodological structure proposed a qualitative approach and a descriptive method. The research techniques used were observation, survey and focus group. As a result, tourism linked to the agricultural and livestock production chain stimulates local and regional development through initiatives around associativeness and cooperativism from the recognition of the territory and its potential. Finally, it is concluded that the different forms of peasant organization are an integral way of incorporating the agrarian economy in to the country’s macroeconomic production system, being not only a possible alternative, but a framework in which innovative social networks are made evident, empowered and committed to the cause of changing their reality.


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Nieto Mejía, A. (2019). Agricultural productivity and tourism: Articulation shafts for the cooperativism with youth peasants. Sosquua, 1(1), 58–80.
Scientific and technological research articles


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