Colombian gastronomy ancestral practices and knowledges in Cundinamarca department, east province, 2020

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Luis Triana Casallas
Sandra Pérez Arteaga


With the research, information was collected on practices and knowledge of Colombian gastronomy, Oriente province in Cundinamarca, seeking to rescue food customs within families, keeping a written record of them to show them as cultural identity. The methodology used is qualitative of an exploratory type, applied from the perspective of Fals Borda, Research Action, with the participation of bearers of tradition and peasants in participatory actions (Mingas). The design was hermeneutical phenomenological, that focus on the interpretation of human experience and the “texts” of life (Ayala Carabajo, 2008). The study consisted of the search for native and endemic seeds that were almost extinct, and then their cultivation in pilot-type home gardens, with planned traditional practices. The result was the recovery of eleven agricultural products: sago, myrtles, malanga, malangay, white with purple coyo, yellow with purple coyo, manguzán, caimitos, medlars, baluy beans and sweet potato bejuco. Along with the sowing, local people with generational culinary knowledge are identified, 40 culinary recipes prepared based on rescued agricultural products and under traditional methods and techniques of preparation and cooking are collected. To publicize the culinary products and promote the region, three tourist circuits were created motivating the safeguarding of local knowledge.


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How to Cite
Triana Casallas, L., & Pérez Arteaga, S. (2021). Colombian gastronomy ancestral practices and knowledges in Cundinamarca department, east province, 2020. Sosquua, 3(1).
Scientific and technological research articles


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