What do you want for your last dinner? Death and food in "Llegada la hora" from Karla Zárate

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Manuel Barroso Chávez


This paper discuss briefly the relationships between food and death since the novel “Llegada la hora” from Karla Zárate. In this order, it will be analyze three aspects, already thought by dietetic tradition –The Last Supper, the meat that is able to eat and the sacrifice–. This tradition analyzes the relationships between food-comensal, not chef-food; it neather delves into anthropographic sacrifice that cook implies.


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How to Cite
Barroso Chávez, M. (2020). What do you want for your last dinner? Death and food in "Llegada la hora" from Karla Zárate. Sosquua, 1(2), 9–25. https://doi.org/10.52948/sosquua.v1i2.128
Scientific and technological research articles
Author Biography

Manuel Barroso Chávez, Universidad Iberoamericana

Licenciado en Literatura Latinoamericana por la Universidad Iberoamericana. Es profesor de bachillerato. Ha publicado ensayos y reseñas en revistas electrónicas y presentado ponencias en congresos nacionales e internacionales. Es autor de la novela Se abren los caminos (2020).


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