Acknowledgment to referees

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Comité Editorial


We present the gratitude for the following referees participation: 

Jaime Guamialama Martínez, Equinoctial Tecnological University, Ecuador

Alvelayis Nieto Mejía, Uniagustiniana, Colombia

Karla Pillado, Autonomous University of Mexico State, Mexico

Hilda Cota Guzmán, University of the Cloister of Sor Juana, Mexico

Enrique Vega-Dávila, Ibero-American University, Mexico

Ana García, University of the Valley of Puebla, Mexico

Hernán Grey Zapateiro, Independent, Colombia

Alejandra López Camacho, Culinary Institute of Mexico, Mexico


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How to Cite
Editorial, C. (2020). Acknowledgment to referees. Sosquua, 1(2), 96.
Thanks to the referees


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