Acknowledgment to referees

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Comité Editorial


We present the gratitude for the following referees participation: 

Laura María Rodríguez Gutiérrez, University of Antioquia, Colombia

Luis Alfonso Vidal Ramírez, Antioquia Residential College, Colombia

Karen Paola Ochoa Espitia, Independent, Colombia

Olga Judith García Molano, National Pedagogic University, Colombia

Frank Ángel Lemoine Quintero, Laic University Eloy Alfaro from Manabí, Ecuador

Carolina Garzón Medina, Saint Thomas Aquinas University, Colombia

Fabián Herrera Morales, University of Caldas, Colombia

Ricardo Varela Villalba, Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, Colombia

Arney Alfonso Vega Martínez, University of Sinú, Colombia

Carlos Andrés Carreño Hernández, National Pedagogic University, Colombia

Joaquín Humberto Fontecha Fontecha, University of Santander, Colombia


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Article Details

How to Cite
Editorial, C. (2020). Acknowledgment to referees. Sosquua, 2(1), 67.
Thanks to the referees


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