Dark Tourism Demand Perception in Salto del Tequendama (Cundinamarca)

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Jorge Mora Forero
Laura Dominiccini Reyes


Salto del Tequendama, located in Cundinamarca (Colombia) has been for almost a century a place full of landscape, oral tradition, and history, in which the present paper is developed, where it is sought to investigate the perception that the visitor has when choosing a tourist destination this mysterious place. Dark tourism is sometimes linked to the emotions produced by the place to visit. For this, surveys are carried out among tourists, to identify how the destination is perceived around death. The results show that there are several perceptions and that there are other forms of tourism different from dark tourism. In conclusion, there is evidence of great potential to develop dark tourism in an ethical and responsible manner.


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Mora Forero, J., Dominiccini Reyes, L., & Navea Mahecha, L. (2022). Dark Tourism Demand Perception in Salto del Tequendama (Cundinamarca). Sosquua, 4(2), 25–39. https://doi.org/10.52948/sosquua.v4i2.785
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